About Speciality Projects Contacts

Greetings! 👋

M. Amar Fauzan, Front End Developer 💻

Let me introduce myself 👦

My name is M. Amar Fauzan, you can call me Amar. I am from Indonesia. Passionate to everything i do. Interacting with technology and the internet at very young age. Learning to code at Elementary School. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is my daily meal. Ready to help anyone making a great website.

Several Ability that I have:


Ability to code clean and manageable HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code

Bootstrap and React

Ability to work with popular CSS and JavaScript framework

I have some projects I can show to you:


Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I can make a functional Calculator complete with calculate history and theme customizer

Quote Generator

This program loads a new Quote from Wikiquote everytime the website freshes

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